Faculty balance babies with biomedical research

Growing stem cells isn’t just something faculty do in the lab. Rong Lu is one of eight of the faculty in the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine who recently welcomed new babies into their families—more than half of them within the past year. Here, Dr. Lu and other faculty parents share their Read More…

USC Stem Cell acquires two instruments to advance state-of-the-art cell sorting

When it comes to sorting cells or other small particles, there’s no better place to do so than USC. The university’s Flow Cytometry Facility recently acquired two top-of-the-line cell sorters, the BD FACSymphony and the BioRad S3e, thanks to generous support from several USC sources. To read more, visit stemcell.keck.usc.edu/usc-stem-cell-acquires-two-instruments-to-advance-state-of-the-art-cell-sorting.